Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Swear I Haven't Been Slacking (Much...)

I hate when I have a long period between posts. I try to remind myself to post more and when I'm doing crafts and projects I'm constantly commenting on what a good blog post that craft or project would be. But it seems I'm cursed with forgetfulness, and blessed with too many kids to keep a good blogging schedule. So, while this post won't be some amazing tutorial, I will show you what I've been doing in this long period of blogging dead air.

Firstly, I was fortunate to be able to be on our school's PTA Board this year, serving as the Fall Festival Chair. I truly love the Fall Festival that our school puts on every year. It's one of the best events in our community and I've been on the planning committee for the past four years, but at the end of last year I was asked if I wanted to take up the leadership role for the committee and at first I was hesitant because I'm truly a better minion than leader, but I'm really glad I said yes. Don't get me wrong, it was a lot of work, and a learning process, but in the end the results were FANTASTIC! I had a great group to help and we did a lot of DIY games and photo props.

Photo props made to go in the Pumpkin Patch
I wouldn't have been able to do any of this without my husband!

The Plinko board all done!
The start of the Plinko board
After the Fall Festival was (finally) over, our focus moved towards Halloween. Every Halloween our kids are spoiled and get to wear multiple costumes for multiple events. My reasoning for this is because I want their costumes on Halloween to be as pristine (ha!) as possible. This year we did go to two extra events, so my costume load was quite heavy. I did end up doing the unimaginable and buying a store bought costume, but I had a great reason. It was a costume from my favorite Halloween catalog Wishcraft (by Chasing Fireflies) and I found it at a kids consignment for 90% off what it normally retails. How could I pass it up? So I didn't and for the first time in forever (thank you Frozen) my 2nd oldest got to wear a store bought costume to a couple of events.

So now here I am, 2 days before Halloween and with 2 out of 4 costumes completely finished. Does this mean I'll be on a better blogging schedule? Nope, probably not, BUT it does mean that I have all the intentions to try to blog more and to hopefully increase readership. Because as of right now, it's like I'm talking to myself :)